Preparing Cambodians For Post Pandemic Future
Prince Holding Group ("Prince Group"), one of Cambodia's major corporations, has signed an agreement with the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport (MoEYS) to establish a scholarship programme for Cambodian university students. Prince Group will cover the whole cost of tuition and stipends for 400 selected students pursuing Bachelor of Science degrees at prestigious Cambodian universities, including the Royal University of Phnom Penh, the National University of Management, and the Institute of Technology of Cambodia. Prince Group will provide more than US$2 million over a seven-year period. Due to the critical nature of public-private partnerships, Prince Group will collaborate with the government to accomplish the goals established in the Education Strategic Plan (2019-2023). Prince Group will collaborate with MoEYS to ensure students receive financial assistance, training, mentoring, and employment opportunities to bolster learning in three areas: sustainable real e...